Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attitude | Barbara Sher | TEDxPrague

According to Barbara Sher we have to change our common understanding of why we so often fail to bring our dreams into reality – blaming bad attitude, negative thinking or lack of effort. Heartfelt, funny and surprising stories told by a lady whos been helping other peoples dreams for many decades.

— Podle Barbary Sher musíme přehodnotit běžný názor, že za neuskutečněné sny může špatný přístup, negativní myšlení nebo nedostatek píle. Překvapující, vtipné a srdečné vyprávění dámy, která již několik desetiletí pomáhá lidem na cestě k realizaci jejich snů.

— Barbaře přezdívají „kmotra životního koučování“. Je autorkou šesti bestsellerů, vede semináře po celém světě, školí v největších firmách a přednáší na univerzitách. Ve svých knihách a lekcích propojuje velké množství praktických zkušeností s osobitým humorem. Pokud jste někdy bojovali s neschopností vybrat si jen jeden cíl a na něj se zaměřit nebo máte pocit, že pro uskutečnění svých snů nemáte dost pevnou vůli, pak Vás Barbara snadno utěší. Stejně jako ty, kteří se bojí, že některé věci už v životě prošvihli.

Barbara má veliký rozhled po světě (žila mimo jiné v Turecku, Francii i Německu) a asi nejhezčí na jejích lekcích je, že se co chvíli neubráníte smíchu nad tím, jak jsou některé věci prosté.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How To Tell If Someone Truly Loves You | Femi Ogunjinmi | TEDxXavierUniversity

Is proclaiming your love for someone truly enough? Femi Ogunjinmi brings to light what fully constitutes an enduring, fulfilling relationship through his engaging experiences. Femi Ogunjinmi, mostly known as Gfem is a certified life coach, international relationship coach, award winning motivational speaker, and a radio talk show host who has been improving the lives of singles and couples for over ten years. He has authored two edition books titled, «Revelations of Relationship: What you dont know about finding true love and sustaining relationship.» Femi earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Morgan State University and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Benedictine University with a Certificate in Financial Management. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How racism makes us sick | David R. Williams

Why does race matter so profoundly for health? David R. Williams developed a scale to measure the impact of discrimination on well-being, going beyond traditional measures like income and education to reveal how factors like implicit bias, residential segregation and negative stereotypes create and sustain inequality. In this eye-opening talk, Williams presents evidence for how racism is producing a rigged system — and offers hopeful examples of programs across the US that are working to dismantle discrimination.

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The Courage to Leave | Norah Casey | TEDxDublinInstituteofTechnology

A powerful personal testimony from domestic abuse survivor Norah Casey on the complex and misunderstood reason why women stay in violent relationships. The real question, she says, is not why we stay but how do we leave. Having spoken to other domestic abuse survivors she charts what she believes are the four phases of an abusive intimate relationship from seduction to the final blow and the hardest (and most dangerous) part of all – having the courage to finally walk away. Broadcaster and publishing entrepreneur Norah Casey was formerly a Dragon in the popular television series Dragons’ den and is a well-known radio and television personality. Her book Spark! was published by Penguin in 2015 and her TedX talk The Cure for Grief has been watched by thousands.

Over the past five years Norah has helped over 1000 business start-ups directly and indirectly. While most of her work in start-ups began as a result of her role in Dragons’ Den she has extended her reach beyond that into other investment spaces. As well as owning Harmonia Publishing Ltd, which is engaged in magazine publishing, digital media, app development, events, creative communications and data analysis, Norah also owns Harmonia Investments (home to a range of investments in diverse areas such as home storage, children’s accessories, media and fashion in both the UK and Ireland). She also owns her own production company Miss Clover Media. Her expertise is in moulding budding entrepreneurs into potential business owners. She does one to one consultations, runs business clinics for budding entrepreneurs and SMEs and mentors early stage start-ups and those seeking growth potential at two to three years maturation. She also hosts, speaks and moderates at a wide range of conferences, seminars, training programmes and bespoke mentorship programmes here and abroad. She is currently writing her second book: Secrets of a Dragon: The 100 Things You Need to Know To Start Your Own Business.
A journalist and former nurse, Norah has been Ireland’s Publisher of the Year no fewer than four times. She has served on numerous boards and is currently a member of the Press Council of Ireland, the London-based Womens Irish Network and The International Womens Forum. She is a former Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Managing A Narcissist | Ann Barnes | TEDxCollingwood

Narcissists are on the rise, especially in the workforce. While the research is still out on why this is happening; Ann Barnes outlines the different kinds of narcissists, and provides a framework on how to work with them (or not!). Ann began her legal career acting as a lawyer and business advisor for numerous private and publicly held companies. She specialized in corporate securities and intellectual property law within the entertainment and consumer packaged goods industries.

Her parallel passion for health and wellness led her to quit law and found and operate a number of superfood companies. Ann is a well-respected public speaker and health advocate and has written two health based recipe books: “Be a Better Being” and “Eat Super, Be Super”.

Over 6 years ago, Ann’s passion for plant-based wellness and entrepreneurial opportunities resulted in her funding, co-founding and acting as Chairman for the first Canadian licensed Medical Cannabis Company: Peace Naturals Project. A year ago she sold the majority of her interest to the medical cannabis public company.

Her greatest accomplishment is being a Mom to her 2 teens, who keep her on her game at all times. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Семья, как проект | Ekaterina Inozemtseva | TEDxSadovoeRingWomen

Мы измеряем эффективность нашей работы, ставим цели и стараемся добиваться результатов. Почему бы не применить все эти бизнес навыки в семье и личной жизни?

Автор бестселлера «Стартап без купюр», со-основатель ОЖ и проекта TheOstrov

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Будущее нейронных сетей: Дмитрий Дзюба at TEDxKyiv

Дмитрий Дзюба — исследователь в лаборатории искусственного интеллекта AILEN Lab, младший научный сотрудник Института Проблем Математических Машин и Систем НАНУ, выпускник Физико-Технического Института при КПИ. Он специализируется на рекуррентных и ассоциативных нейронных сетях, а также занимается проблемами нейроуправления, и алгоритмами компьютерного зрения. Помимо этого координирует разработки в области робототехники для экспериментальных исследований созданных систем.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*
(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Искусство быть небанальным | Anna Vall | TEDxLETI

Речевая смелость говорящих и пишущих современников не знает границ. Ни стилистических, ни грамматических, ни эстетических – никаких, одним словом. Это безвизовое раздолье, в конце прошлого века вызывавшее восторг и азарт, сегодня уже не кажется привлекательным. Тускло, шаблонно, плоско. Грубо. Попытка преодолеть свою речевую серость выливается в путаное многословие. Что делать, если своя речевая бедность уже осознаётся и вызывает недовольство? Как перевести мысль в слово с минимальными потерями для первой? Как можно (и нужно ли?) развить образность в своей речи?

Об этом и поговорим.

тренер Речевой тренинговой компании IGRO. Автор и ведущая программ по аргументации, этикету, культуре речи и грамотности для взрослых. Постоянный спикер мероприятий деловых и HR клубов. Ведущая программы «Этикет» на телеканале «ЕДА».

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

"Пойми Миллениума" | Евгения Шамис | TEDxInnopolis

Теория поколений — кто мы и что нам ждать от нынешнего поколения? Основатель Теории Поколений в России, писатель. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Навык счастье ощущать | Anatoly Guin | TEDxSadovoeRing

What is happiness for a creative person? Why does creativity help to love your job and why is it a major industrial power? How does the development of creative thinking make it easy to solve non-standard tasks?

A famous consultant who helps to solve non-standard tasks. Vice-president of the International Association of TRIZ on education. His books are published in 13 countries, including the United States, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Western and Eastern Europe, with a total circulation of over 130 000 copies.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at