Стадии алкоголизма/алкогольная зависимость/как бросить пить алкоголь/три стадии алкоголизма

Три стадии алкоголизма. Помощь врача психиатра при алкоголизме. Как определить стадию алкоголизма? Как бросить пить алкоголь. Алкогольная зависимость. Врач психиатр Алексей Александрович Магалиф.

Подробнее об эксперте: www.magalif.ru/about

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Наши эксперты:

Детский невролог Игорь Воронов

Кокорин сбежал на Мальдивы / Феномен Тедеско / ФИФА выбрала лучших / Широков точно нормальный?

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Отголосками завершившейся РПЛ до нас долетают отпускные фотографии футболистов. Раздражают все, но больше всех – Кокорин. Уехал тренироваться на Мальдивы. «Спартак» зол. Но у меня есть ещё веселее история об одной отпускной фотографии.
До конца контракта Тедеско ещё полгода, а его уже почему-то все выгоняют. А Гончаренко не выгоняют, хотя, возможно, пора. В оценках его работы люди разделились на 2 лагеря и к единому мнению им не прийти.
Никак не придут к согласию и Роман Широков с Данте. Широкову даже одну процедуру полезную пройти предложили, а он отказался.
ФИФА определила лучших в 2020-м. Левандовский и «Бавария» – ок. А вот то, что Клопп выше Флика, здесь вопрос!
Это «Футбольный Клуб». Здесь субъективно, но в основном по справедливости.

00:00 Интро. Быстрое, как Рафаэл Леау
00:37 Отпускные фотки футболистов: народ в бешенстве
04:03 Тедеско нет смысла критиковать
06:45 Как оценить работу Гончаренко?
09:11 Широков упустил уникальный шанс
10:54 Левандовский и «Бавария» – лучшие
12:23 Почему лучший Клопп, а не Флик

#Тедеско #Гончаренко #Кокорин

Предложения о сотрудничестве: Utkin@simple-sport.ru
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/radioutkin
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Why teachers teach but kids don’t learn | Ben Richards | TEDxYouth@Haileybury

Ben Richards is both an award winning playwright and an experienced teacher of Drama, Philosophy and Mathematics. He has spent the last ten years bringing together his different areas of expertise at a number of top UK schools, honing his unique approach to education. Haileybury Habits: Inquisitive, Reflective

Teacher at Haileybury

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

The Superpower of the Conman | Alexis Conran | TEDxBerlin

Visit our website www.tedxhamburg.de for more information on Alexis Conran. Alexis Conran, TV Presenter and Actor (LAMDA trained) is best known known as the man who identifies, uncovers and helps us to protect our businesses and ourselves against scams. As writer and presenter of the highly acclaimed BBC TV show, The Real Hustle he is in the rare position of being able to advise and educate even the most-foolhardy on issues surrounding security and risk (in the real and virtual world), and identify the human behaviour, communication skills and confidence tricks that the world’s top scammers rely on to achieve their unscrupulous aims.

As a charismatic and engaging keynote and after-dinner speaker, Alexis employs his knowledge of the dark and deceptive world of hustling, pickpockets and con-artists to speak candidly on the risks and security threats constantly faced by businesses, and to deliver important messages on the shrewdest ways to protect against the ever-increasing number of scams. His recent clients include IBM, the RSA Security Conference, Experian, RBS, Halifax, Aviva, Facebook, Porsche, VISA, The Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police Fraud in Action Unit.

Alexis currently hosts his own weekly show, The Radio Hustle on Talk Radio and co-stars in the new Dave show THE JOY OF TECHS, alongside his best friend, comedian, actor and satirist, Marcus Brigstocke. He also contributes to ITV’s This Morning and BBC Radio 4 and 5Live, and was crowned champion of Celebrity MasterChef 2016.

Website: www.alexisconran.com This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Quand un mentaliste fausse nos prises de décision | Rémi Larrousse | TEDxVaugirardRoad

Quand un mentaliste nous demande de faire un choix, il nous demande de prendre une décision. Il lève ici un coin du voile sur la manière dont il influence notre décision en utilisant les pièges de la pensée.

Diplômé de Sciences Po Paris, Rémi

Larrousse mène une double carrière de

consultant en entreprise et de mentaliste.

Reconnu comme un innovateur dans

ce domaine, il a reçu le Mandrake d’Or

récompensant les meilleurs artistes

illusionnistes. Passionné par la distorsion

de la perception et les automatismes de

pensée, il utilise l’illusionnisme et le mentalisme comme outil de communication et de formation.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

La faute de lorthographe | Arnaud Hoedt Jérôme Piron | TEDxRennes

Nous avons été prof de français. Sommés de nous offusquer des fautes dorthographe, nous avons été pris pour les curés de la langue. Nous avons écrit pour dédramatiser, pour réfléchir ensemble et puis aussi parce quon a toujours pensé que lAcadémie Française avait un vrai potentiel comique.
«Les deux belges qui veulent simplifier la langue française»: tout est faux dans cette phrase. Pas «simplifier» mais bien faire preuve desprit critique, se demander si tout se vaut dans notre orthographe. Pas deux belges, mais bien deux curieux qui veulent transmettre le travail des linguistes de toute la francophonie, pas même la «langue française», seulement son orthographe. Car lorthographe, cest pas la langue, cest juste le code graphique qui permet de la retranscrire. Passion pour les uns, chemin de croix pour les autres, elle est sacrée pour tous. Et pourtant, il ne sagit peut-être que dun énorme malentendu. Arnaud Hoedt et Jérôme Piron sont linguistes de formation. Ils ont vécu 25 ans sans se connaître, mais c’était moins bien. Ils ont ensuite enseigné pendant 15 ans dans la même école. Quand Arnaud participe à la rédaction des programmes de français en Belgique, Jérôme se spécialise en médiation culturelle. En 2016, ils écrivent et mettent en scène le spectacle « La Convivialité », au Théâtre National de Bruxelles. Ce spectacle conférence qui traite de la question du rapport dogmatique à l’orthographe tourne depuis 3 ans dans toute la francophonie. Dans la foulée, ils publient l’ouvrage « La faute de l’orthographe », aux éditions Textuel. Ils se définissent comme suit: « Linguistes dilet(t)antes. Pédagogues en (robe de) chambre. Tentent de corriger le participe passé. Écrivent des trucs. Vrais-Faux Comédiens. Bouffeurs d’Académicien ».
A la question « est-ce que ça se dit? «, Arnaud et Jérôme répondent invariablement « oui, tu viens de le faire ». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Comment faire la guerre à la guerre? | Idriss Aberkane | TEDxLiège

Comment faire la guerre à la guerre?

Idriss Aberkane is an expert in Knowledge Economy, Biomimicry and Cognitive Neurosciences teaching at Paris-Saclay University (Centrale-Supélec). He holds three Ph.Ds, has given more than 150 talks on 4 continents and created three companies from Africa to Europe. His essay “The Economy of Knowledge” has been translated in English, Chinese and Korean. He is an affiliated scholar of Stanford University and an Ambassador of the Unesco-Unitwin Complex Systems Digital Campus.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Est-ce si difficile de bien manger ? | Jérémy Anso | TEDxNouméa

Après avoir eu des problèmes de santé, Jérémy sest intéressé à son alimentation et a fait de lui-même son propre cobaye. Aujourdhui, il est guéri et convaincu quon peut améliorer substantiellement sa santé et la qualité de lenvironnement en changeant son alimentation. Il présente ici 5 conseils très simples.

Jérémy est docteur en biologie.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything | Colin OBrady | TEDxPortland

In this epic Talk, Colin OBrady, explains his journey back from a tragic burn accident only to ascend to the 7 tallest mountains and two poles on earth — in world record time.

His idea is centered around mindfulness and how one can achieve anything no matter the circumstances.

With special thanks to the UNIVERSITY OF OREGON for presenting partnership, a world class stage design provided by HENRY V, an incredible legacy bound book provided by PREMIER and to the creative digital craft provided by ENJOY THE WEATHER. All of our Partners and event history can be found TEDxPortland.com

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Colin, a native of Portland, is a testament to mindfulness, setting audacious goals and achieving them despite overwhelming odds. Last year, Colin set two world records: He became the fastest person ever to complete both the Seven Summits (climbing the highest peak on every continent) and the Explorers Grand Slam (the Seven Summits skiing to the last degree of the North and South Poles). He completed the challenges in 131 and 139 days, respectively. His nonprofit, Beyond 7/2, strives to inspire kids to lead active, healthy lives and pursue their biggest dreams.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx