Against all odds: Herman Mashaba at TEDxEuston Herman Mashaba is South African, born in 1959 in apartheid South Africa. Herman Mashabas academic dreams were shattered when his university was shut down due to political unrests. He subsequently started his business career selling hair products on a commission basis in Johannesburg. In 1985 he started to start his own hair care manufacturing business named «Black Like Me», becoming one of the first successful black entrepreneurs of that era. Herman has recently launched his autobiography, «Black Like You».

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Будущее нейронных сетей: Дмитрий Дзюба at TEDxKyiv

Дмитрий Дзюба — исследователь в лаборатории искусственного интеллекта AILEN Lab, младший научный сотрудник Института Проблем Математических Машин и Систем НАНУ, выпускник Физико-Технического Института при КПИ. Он специализируется на рекуррентных и ассоциативных нейронных сетях, а также занимается проблемами нейроуправления, и алгоритмами компьютерного зрения. Помимо этого координирует разработки в области робототехники для экспериментальных исследований созданных систем.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*
(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

What it takes for a team to survive 9 months at sea.... | Laura Penhaul | TEDxClapham

When you tell people that the Coxless Crew set 2 World Records rowing from America to Australia, the first question is not about the journey, but is usually how on earth, as a team of women on a small 29ft boat, did you not throw each other over-board?!

If youre part of a team, whether thats a sporting context or in the corporate world, team effectiveness is what we all strive for, so listen to this talk for some take home messages which may help improve collaboration within your own team.

Laura Penhaul is the Paralympic Lead Physiotherapist for British Athletics and Coxless Crew Team Lead who set 2 World Records in being the first all female crew, to row from mainland America to mainland Australia

Правила в жизни: инструкция по применению | Максим Корсаков | TEDxMahilyow

Что общего у законов христианской морали и правил поведения при пожаре? Почему за то, за что сейчас мы уважаем человека, пятьдесят лет назад его могли убить.

Мы живем в мире правил и игнорировать их нельзя. Вы можете быть конформистом или нонконформистом, но плывёте вы по течению или против течения, вы всё равно внутри потока.

Владелец ресторана японской кухни, изучает философию в БГУ (Минск, Беларусь).

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Learning from a grand master of memory | Mattias Ribbing | TEDxLundUniversity

Can you quickly create real understanding in your brain at will? Here Mattias teaches you a new approach that immediately speeds up your learning abilities, far beyond plain memorizing. He also shows you some of his own skills and vaccinates you on the spot against the dreaded Teflon Brain Syndrome. You will also learn an enhanced way of reading that works for all kinds of texts and helps your brain to take in lots of new information fast.

Mattias Ribbing is an official Grandmaster of Memory, a published author of three books and a public speaker. He has a passion for helping people optimize their learning abilities through situation based brain training. Mattias has been invited to speak at Harvard Business School, Ericsson, Karolinska Institutet and many other places where he not only demonstrates his own unique skills live, but more importantly gives effective tools that everyone can use to to quickly become an expert in any field of knowledge.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Can you learn the hardest language in the world? | Irina Pravet | TEDxOtaniemiED

Irina’s talk at TEDxOtaniemiED is titled ‘Can you learn the hardest language in the world?’ and delves into the increasingly relevant topic of foreign-language speakers learning Finnish. Irina provides examples of unique and interesting yet highly effective methods for learning Finnish — the so-called hardest language in the world.

The talk is illustrated with Sketchnotes by Linda Saukko-Rauta at

Born in Romania, raised in Canada and now living in Finland, Irina Pravet has been translating herself across cultures and languages for as long as she can remember. She does not believe in the existence of a fixed set of ‘language learning talents’, instead she believes that we all have the ability to succeed in learning a new language by being strategic, having fun and playing with our natural strengths. Currently Irina is a Finnish language

Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice and consult a medical professional before adopting an intermittent fasting regiment. This talk only represents the speaker’s views on fasting, diet, and health. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:

Two-thirds of women 40-59 years old are overweight and more than 1/2 are obese. Intermittent fasting can help women lose weight effectively. And can have profound impact on bio-physical profiles, but also improved self esteem and interpersonal relationships. It is easy to implement, it is inexpensive and flexible.

Cynthia is a Western medicine trained nurse practitioner and functional nutritionist who is passionate about female hormonal health. She believes that the inherent power of food and nutrition can be your greatest asset to your health and wellness journey. She works 1:1 with female clients and is the creator of Wholistic Blueprint a 6-week signature program for female hormonal health, shes also the co-host of Everyday Wellness podcast and a recurring segment contributor on her local ABC affiliate in Washington, DC. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

I grew up in a cult. It was heaven -- and hell. | Lilia Tarawa | TEDxChristchurch

Lilia Tarawa was brought up in the Gloriavale Christian Community on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, where she was constantly surrounded by everyone she loved. But over time, she began to see the dark side of her community, and ultimately realised that she had to get out. In this raw and emotional talk, Lilia shares the reality of life in a cult, and her heart-wrenching journey to break free.

Lilia Tarawa is a New Zealand writer, speaker, holistic health consultant and business coach. She is a member of the Māori Ngāi Tahu tribe. Lilia was born into New Zealands infamous religious cult, Gloriavale, and fled with her eleven family members at eighteen years of age. Her extraordinary life experience compelled her to pursue a career promoting human rights, welfare and empowerment.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Prison Break | Think Like A Coder, Ep 1

The adventure begins! Episode 1: Ethic awakens in a mysterious cell. Can she and robot Hedge solve the programming puzzles blocking their escape?

— This is episode 1 of our animated series “Think Like A Coder.” This 10-episode narrative follows a girl, Ethic, and her robot companion, Hedge, as they attempt to save the world. The two embark on a quest to collect three artifacts and must solve their way through a series of programming puzzles.

Lesson by Alex Rosenthal, directed by Kozmonot Animation Studio.

Supported by Endless:

A special thank you to the programmers who assisted in the development of this series: Eric Wastl, Sara Kladky, Ryan Harvey, Dan Bernier, Eden Girma, Matt Gruskin, and James Griffith.

And thank you Dan Finkel, whose idea inspired the lock-picking puzzle.

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Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Nik Maier, Angel Pantoja, Nishant Suneja, 张晓雨, Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, Kathryn Vacha, Anthony Arcis, Jeffrey Segrest, Sandra Fuller Bocko, Alex Pierce, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, BRENDAN NEALE, Jane White, Karmi Nguyen, John C. Vesey, Yelena Baykova, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Won Jang, Nick Johnson, Tariq Keblaoui, Carlos H. Costa, Eimann P. Evarola, Aleksandr Lyozin, Mohamed Elsayed, Alan Wilder, Marcus Appelbaum, Francisco Leos, Kevin OLeary, Les Howard, Ten Cha, Mehmet Yusuf Ertekin, Arlene Weston, phkphk123321, Jennifer Kurkoski, Ryan B Harvey, Austin Randall, Abhishek Bansal, Jayant Sahewal, Dian Atamyanov, igor romanenko, Jose Arcadio Valdes Franco, Brandy Sarver, Guy Hardy, Tu-Anh Nguyen, Karl Laius, Madee Lo, JY Kang, Marc Bou Zeid, Abhishek Goel and Charles A Hershberger.

More than funny | Michael Jr. | TEDxUniversityofNevada

With comedy, you not only laugh but you also gain understanding in a unique way. Comedy has a setup and then a punch line. The setup moves the audience in one direction-toward what is expected. The punch line occurs when you change direction and take the audience to the unexpected. This same process can be applied to life. Comedian Michael Jr. shows how to take your lifes setups and then change direction in a way that brings fulfillment, revelation, and joy not only to you but also to those around you.

Once in a generation, a comedian comes along who speaks to everyone. Today, that comedian is known simply as Michael Jr.

Watch him onstage and you’ll see a man at ease…with himself, his audience, and his message. Listen to his voice and you’ll detect a comfortable, conversational style that hides a sly sense of mischief. Hear his words and you’ll laugh at the universal themes that connect us all.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at