“How I Climbed out of Hopelessness” | Oudai Tozan | TEDxUniversityofGlasgow

In this talk, Oudai shares his story, especially how some key moments in his life shaped his belief and motivations. With his personal story, he hopes to inspire you to follow your goals undeterred by the difficulties you may face.

Oudai holds two master’s degrees, is a winner of the Chevening Scholarship, and a previous champion in swimming. He has a strong passion for learning, as well as development and community service and he plans to devote the rest of his career to this.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Sound and Silence: A Beatboxer’s Love Affair With Music | Tom Thum | TEDxGateway

World renowned beatboxer Tom Thum takes you on a journey through sound. With shades of driving drums, stomach churning bass, deafening silence and soulful pitch perfect vocals, Tom invites his audience to explore the sordid love affair. This musical phenomenon showcases that what makes him whole, his music.

Climaxing in his own personal ode to silence, Tom unveils the newest piece in his arsenal, the gorgeous “Love has left here”. Not only showing his amazing ability to carve lush, emotion inducing arrangements through nothing more than the textures in his throat, it’s his unprecedented ability as a singer that is the real show stopper.
It’s been said many times that Beat Boxer Tom Thum appears to have not only a symphony orchestra but also a jazz band, techno DJ, 80’s synth pop group and collection of exotic world instruments all residing somewhere in his throat.

Propelled to Internet stardom with his 2013 TEDx performance at the Sydney Opera House, Tom’s 15 minute showcase quickly became the highest viewed TEDx video of all time with over 70 million views and counting. Now recognised worldwide for his obscure talent to warp and manipulate his vocal chords, Tom Thum provides confirmation to his audience that there is no sound he cannot mimic to perfection. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

My Life As A One-Man Band | Tommy Emmanuel | TEDxMelbourne

Tommy Emmanuel created a life for himself as a one-man band and has become one of Australias most respected musicians. With light vim and pure talent, he demonstrates his unique playing style, which is notably a development of the Travis picking technique and blending of rhythm and melody.

In his career, hes played on recordings for Air Supply and Men at Work and in his twenties he joined one of Australias biggest rock acts, Dragon. Now, as a two-time Grammy nominee with a career spanning five decades, he has, for several years, performed over 300 concerts annually. Hes worked with Martin Taylor on a jazz-inspired duet album The Colonel and the Governor. His most recent original material is Little By Little (2011).

Connect with Tommy:
Tw: twitter.com/tommyemmanuel
FB: www.facebook.com/tommyemmanuel
YT: www.youtube.com/user/TommyEmmanuelTV
Web: www.tommyemmanuel.com

TEDxMelbourne brings a diverse group of people together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration through a series of events throughout the year.

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About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Beatbox as an instrument | Roxorloops | TEDxLiège

Beatbox as an instrument

Professional beatboxer and Vocal Artist.

Winner of ‘Blue Note Award’ and the ‘BeatBox Special Award’, Belgian and Vice World Champion

Beatbox, and soloist at the Royal Academy for Music in Aalborg (Denmark).

Jury in 3 World Beatbox Championships and over 30 national Beatbox Championships

Teacher of over 800 workshops and lessons (Real Festival, Vocal Jazz Summit, Europa Cantat, London

A Cappella Festival, Aarhus Vocal Festival, Stanford University…)

Vocal percussionist for Witloof Bay (Eurosong 2011), Bruk Braders, Vox North and Zap Mama.

Guest performances for The Real Group, Swingle Singers, Leveleleven, Voces8, Clouseau, Lady Linn…

Creating/performing in Theater and Dance shows: Les Daltoniens, Urban Nomads and Shobana

Jeyasingh dance company.

Band member and creator of ‘Beatoxic’, ‘Bruk Braders’ and ‘Wait A Minute’.

Loves Gaming

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Ayurveda Over Western Medicines | Dr. B.M HEGDE | TEDxMITE

NOTE FROM TED: Weve flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it contains many assertions about Ayurveda that are not supported by the scientific community. Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf

Dr.BM Hegde speaks on the idea of how the ayurvedic medicines are far better for the human body than western medicines. He talks about important theories on how the human body actually functions with a given environment and how Ayurveda blends itself with the human body. Dr.Hegde speaks about the importance of meta medicines which would eventually decide the health factor of humans on earth.

Dr.B.M Hegde is an Indian medical scientist, educationist, and author. He is the former Vice Chancellor of Manipal University, Co-Chairman of the TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and the chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mangalore. He has authored several books on medical practice and ethics. He is also the Editor in Chief of the medical journal, Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. He was awarded the Dr. B. C. Roy Award in 1999. In 2010, he was honored with the Padma Bhushan, one of Indias highest civilian awards. His articles and ideas in medicine are appreciated internationally and his passion for educating people is everlasting.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain | Ruairi Robertson | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica

«Have you ever had a gut feeling or butterflies in your stomach? Has hunger ever changed your mood? Our bellies and brains are physically and biochemically connected in a number of ways, meaning the state of our intestines can alter the way our brains work and behave, giving a whole new meaning to Food for thought.

As a nutritionist, microbiologist and neuroscientist, Ruairi Robertson is passionate about the link between our bellies and brains. His research is examining how our intestines and the microbes within them can influence both physical and mental health, and most importantly how our diets influence this relationship. Ruairi has travelled the world researching food, and believes it is the key to global public health. Ruairi is a PhD student in University College Cork in Ireland and current Fulbright Scholar (2015/16) to Harvard University.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Большое путешествие вглубь океанов / OceanWorld (2009) / Документальный

Океан — колыбель жизни и громадная часть планеты Земля. Богатый подводный мир, его законы, сокровища и жизнь обитателей до сих пор остаются загадкой для человечества. Фильм погружает зрителей в морские глубины и открывает тайны и невероятную красоту океана. И под толщей воды, куда не проникают лучи света, и на солнечных коралловых рифах у самого берега — везде бурлит удивительная жизнь, скрытая от глаз человека. Живописные подводные ландшафты превосходят самые смелые фантазии человека.

А жизнь обитателей моря — насыщенная, опасная, и такая многообразная, — раскрывается во всем своем великолепии и красочных деталях. «Большое путешествие вглубь океанов 3D» — первый документальный фильм, полностью снятый в формате Digital 3D. Новейшая технология съемок полностью стирает границу между экраном и зрителем, делает изображение объемным и реалистичным на сто процентов.

Уникальные подводные съемки велись на расстоянии «вытянутой руки» и проходили в 15 морях и 3 океанах знаменитой командой.

Год: 2009
Жанр: драма, детектив, биография, история
Режиссер: Жан-Жак Мантелло
Автор сценария: Франсуа Мантелло, Жан-Жак Мантелло
Актеры: Марион Котийяр
Возрастной рейтинг: 0


Какие птицы остаются зимовать?

Зимние птицы. Москва и соседние области.
#КиноВишневский #ПтицыЗимой
В видео собраны все виды птиц, которых можно встретить зимой в Москве, Московской, Рязанской и других сопредельных областях средней полосы России. Исключены только водоплавающие птицы. По ним есть отдельный ролик: youtu.be/jpzmqwC-Pyw

Исправленная версия в ОК: Исправленную версию выгрузил в Одноклассники: ok.ru/video/1257848965765
Ролик будет полезен не только для определения и знакомства с птицами, которые встречаются зимой на кормушке, в городах и парках, но и для понимания того, кого можно увидеть в лесу, в поле и на лугу.

В сюжете использованы фрагменты книги «Птицы Москвы и Московской области. Полный определитель» В. А. Вишневский, Издательство «Фитон XXI»:


Спасибо добрым фотоохотникам! Без их фото сюжет был бы неполным.

В ролике показаны фотографии следующих авторов:

Авдеев В.П., Барановский А.В., Волков С.В., Голубева, А.В., Добромыслов И.Е, Елисеев С.Л., Забугин В.В., Ивушкин В.Е., Калагин М.В., Кузиков И.В., Левашкин А.П., Софронов Е.В., Уколов И.И.

Если интересуют только виды птиц, которые пользуются кормушками, то на этот счет есть отдельный сюжет: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzH-kYABRSk

Батл: Ирина ХАКАМАДА vs Ксения СОБЧАК | Мечта или деньги

Батл между Ксенией Собчак и Ириной Хакамада на форуме предпринимателей «Точка зрения»
Что важнее Деньги или Мечта? Что выбрать ориентиром в достижении успеха?

История успеха Лолы Манановой: предсказание, которое сбылось // Амазонки XXI века

«Амазонки XXI века» — программа о сильных женщинах современного мира. Они поменяли страну и профессию, преодолели множество трудностей и смогли найти себя. В этом выпуске — история одной из самых влиятельных женщин Филадельфии Лолы Манановой. Она рассказала, как пережила нищету и предательство, что помогло ей раскрыть в США сразу несколько своих талантов, как она поняла, что ее призвание — помогать людям, и какую цену заплатила за успех.

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