
No. You Cannot Touch My Hair! | Mena Fombo | TEDxBristol

“My seven year old self learnt to tell people what I thought they wanted to hear. By the age of eight I’d convinced the other kids that my hair was made of sponge… because being black it couldn’t be made of ‘hair’.”

Through her own personal story and the hair-raising experiences of other women and girls, Mena Fombo’s TEDxBristol talk is a witty, yet compelling and sometimes dark exploration of the objectification of black women. Its an issue she has spent a lifetime experiencing and exploring, with both a political and creative lens.

Mena is the driving force behind the international campaign “No. You Cannot Touch My Hair” which has attracted contributions from people across the UK and around the world. Over half the respondents said they had their hair touched on a monthly basis by people they’d never met before. 18% said it happened every week. The vast majority described the touching as intrusive, invasive and unwelcome. 90% of those responding identified as female, and the majority were black or of mixed race origin. Some said it felt like being petted in a zoo. Mena says: “We are not animals in zoos — #DONTTOUCH”.
Mena Fombo describes herself as a British Nigerian Bristolian through and through! She is a purposeful coach, facilitator, motivational speaker, consultant and activist with a background working in the arts, the voluntary sector and educational establishments across Europe, the USA, Africa and South Asia.

She is also the founder of The OJiJi Purple Project, a Bristol based non-profit that campaigns for equality, focusing on working with black women and girls through everyday activism, connecting communities and creativity. She is the curator of Bristol’s first Black Girls

As a confident, black woman, who has overcome a lifetime of adversity and personal experiences of injustice, she has carved out a role for herself as a creative activist, working tirelessly to support the political, social and economic equality of black people and women. She is passionate about social change, the development of people, values-based leadership and creating powerful learning experiences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How racism makes us sick | David R. Williams

Why does race matter so profoundly for health? David R. Williams developed a scale to measure the impact of discrimination on well-being, going beyond traditional measures like income and education to reveal how factors like implicit bias, residential segregation and negative stereotypes create and sustain inequality. In this eye-opening talk, Williams presents evidence for how racism is producing a rigged system — and offers hopeful examples of programs across the US that are working to dismantle discrimination.

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the worlds leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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Why do we believe things that arent true? | Philip Fernbach | TEDxMileHigh

It seems like were living in an epidemic of false belief. Clearly the other side just doesn’t have all the facts, right? Or are they really that stupid? In this fascinating and hilarious talk, cognitive scientist Philip Fernbach peels back the layers of what we really know and reveals some surprising truths about the human mind. Philip Fernbach is a cognitive scientist and professor in the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Co-author of The Knowledge Ilusion: Why We Never Think Alone, Philips research focuses on why we think we know more than we actually do and the implications this has on individuals and society. He lives in Boulder with his wife and two children. In his free time, he plays bluegrass music and ice hockey. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh

Self-awareness has countless proven benefits — stronger relationships, higher performance, more effective leadership. Sounds pretty great, right? Here’s the bad news: 95% of people think that they’re self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are! Luckily, Tasha Eurich has a simple solution that will instantly improve your self-awareness. As a third-generation entrepreneur, Dr. Tasha Eurich was born with a passion for business, pairing her scientific savvy in human behavior with a practical approach to solving business challenges. As an organizational psychologist, she’s helped thousands of leaders improve their effectiveness, from Fortune 500 executives to early-stage entrepreneurs. Her new book, Insight, reveals the findings of her three-year research program on self-awareness, which she calls the meta-skill of the 21st century. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Two Easily Remembered Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts | Anthony Metivier | TEDxDocklands

NOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speakers personal views and understanding of meditation and spirituality. Weve flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf

Anthony Metivier, memory expert and creator of the Magnetic Memory Method used a simple process of «self-inquiry» to help him overcome years of mental distress that imprisoned him in a “manic-depressive” identity, and almost took his life. bring peace of mind and focus, and free ourselves from negative thinking. Using the secular translations of ancient Sanskrit by Dr. Gary Weber, Anthony shares the two most powerful and immediate tools self-transformation. They are easy to remember and anyone can use them to create focus on the present moment and experience instant freedom from negative thinking.

For more ways to combine simple memory exercises with mindfulness, find Anthony on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIwC3d4CRjrrQdaqZaNBpA
www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIwC3d4CRjrrQdaqZaNBpA Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Words: Your Most Powerful Weapon | Evy Poumpouras | TEDxStLouisWomen

Your words are what matter; they are the art form that gets people to give you what you want and gets people to comply. Here Evy shares some tips, tricks and techniques to help you be the best communicator you can be.

Evy Poumpouras is former Special Agent for the U.S. Secret Service and an on-air contributor for CNN, NBC, CBS, and FOX regarding interview and investigation techniques. In addition to her fraud investigations, she has provided presidential protective detail for President Barack Obama, President George W. Bush, and many more.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Changing the game in Education through eLearning | Penelope Tainton | TEDxCapeTown

Changing the game in Education through the eLearning Game Changer aims to deliver better opportunities to one million Western Cape learners, and requires deep commitment to the success of a project that places the learner front and centre, driving systemic transformation in the way that government delivers to its client.

Penelope Anne Tainton is a dynamic, proactive presence in the South African government and political arena. In her current position, working in the Delivery Support Unit of the Department of the Premier, Penny leads the progress and delivery of two of the Western Cape Government’s Game Changers, namely eLearning and the After School Programme.

An involved citizen of South Africa, Penny is passionate about extending her services to areas of society where she can make a difference, bring about positive change and realise improved standards. A major driver in her work is finding innovative solutions to the inequalities that remain in society, and most particularly in the child’s experience in education.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

وراء كل مخاطرة حياه ملهمة | Marwa zain | TEDxMukram

مروة مخرجة سودانية ومصورة خاضت تجربة صعبه جدا مع الشغف والنجاح وشاركت باسم السودان بمجموعة افلام في كل من لبنان وجنوب السودان والدنمارك وباريس ، فازت بجوائز ضخمة جدا وفازت بفيلم روائي قصير باسم فلم اللعبه ، تحكي في محادثتها تجربتها وتحولها من المجال الدراسي الذي اختارته الاسرة للمجال الذي تحبه مروة وكيف نجحت. مصورة ومخرجة افلامة سودانية This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

الإلهام بالعطاء | محمد الشريف | TEDxRiyadh

قصة إصرار ملهمة جدا في التغلب على الإعاقة وتجاوزها بتقديم المساعدة للآخرين.

حائز على لقب الشخص الأكثر إصراراً في المملكة، معالج بالترفيه ومدرب معتمد في تطوير الذات والتحفيز.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

لا تفكر بالنجاح فكر بخلق عادة ناجحة: فاطمة جامع في TEDxYouth@Khartoum

فاطمة جامع صاحبة الثلاثة وعشرين عاماً، طالبة طب في سنتها الخامسة بجامعة إفريقيا العالمية. ترغب في جعل بلدها الحبيب مكاناً أفضل، من خلال إلهام شبابه.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)