
Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Brain Young | Elizabeth Amini | TEDxSoCal

Elizabeth Amini is a social entrepreneur with a background in science. She learned data analysis while working as a scientist at JPL/NASA. Elizabeth earned a bachelors degree in Cognitive Science (the study of the brain) from Occidental College and an M.B.A. from University of Southern California. Her Anti-AgingGames.com business plan won the USC Business Plan contest as well as the YPO (Young Presidents Organization) award for promising new companies.

Anti-AgingGames.com features fun and easy brain stimulation games designed by Nolan Bushnell, the Founder of Atari, and a team of expert neurobehavioral scientists. Our system includes memory, concentration, focus, and relaxation games. Anti-AgingGames.com includes tips distilled from over 17,000 medical studies that teach how to potentially reduce the risk of early memory loss through lifestyle changes.

We are a socially responsible company: 20% of our pre-tax profits go into an Impact Fund to improve quality and length of life around the world by providing medicine, clean water access, and supplies to places in need, as well as focusing on Alzheimers, dementia, and stroke prevention research.


In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

The revolutionary power of bilingualism | Karina Chapa | TEDxMcAllen

Karina Chapa speaks to the power of bilingualism and its ability to revolutionize education. In America, over 5 million students speak a language other than English at home, but regardless of the diversity of languages, only 20% of people are bilingual. Karina sheds light on the history of bilingualism in the United States and how we can move forward in today’s educational system.

Karina’s talk also looks into the neural science behind bilingualism and its positive effects on cognitive flexibility, creativity and problem solving skills. Karina Chapa is a courageous bilingual advocate who proudly serves more than 160,000 bilingual students in deep South Texas. She is an Ex-A-Tec originally from Monterrey, Mexico. She is currently the Language Proficiency, Biliteracy and Cultural Diversity Director. She is also the Legislative Chair for the Texas Association for Bilingual Education and the Parliamentarian for RGV-TABE. She has dedicated 18 years of her professional career to empowering bilingual education students, teachers, and administrators in the deep South Texas border. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

The revolutionary power of bilingualism | Karina Chapa | TEDxMcAllen

Karina Chapa speaks to the power of bilingualism and its ability to revolutionize education. In America, over 5 million students speak a language other than English at home, but regardless of the diversity of languages, only 20% of people are bilingual. Karina sheds light on the history of bilingualism in the United States and how we can move forward in today’s educational system.

Karina’s talk also looks into the neural science behind bilingualism and its positive effects on cognitive flexibility, creativity and problem solving skills. Karina Chapa is a courageous bilingual advocate who proudly serves more than 160,000 bilingual students in deep South Texas. She is an Ex-A-Tec originally from Monterrey, Mexico. She is currently the Language Proficiency, Biliteracy and Cultural Diversity Director. She is also the Legislative Chair for the Texas Association for Bilingual Education and the Parliamentarian for RGV-TABE. She has dedicated 18 years of her professional career to empowering bilingual education students, teachers, and administrators in the deep South Texas border. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville

A chance encounter with members of the Ku Klux Klan led black musician Daryl Davis on a quest to determine the source of the hate. His unorthodox, yet simple approach, has wielded surprising results and just might be the solution for all racial discourse.

Daryl Davis graduated from Howard University with a degree in Jazz. As a pianist, vocalist, and guitarist, he performs nationally and internationally with The Daryl Davis Band. He has also worked with such notables as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley’s Jordanaires, The Legendary Blues Band, and many others.

In 1983, A chance occurrence after one of his performances led him to befriend a member of the Ku Klux Klan. This eventually led Daryl to become the first black author to travel the country interviewing KKK leaders and members, all detailed in his book, Klan-Destine Relationships. Today, Daryl owns numerous Klan robes and hoods, given to him by active members who became his friends and renounced the organization.

Since his journey began, Davis has joined an all-white country band, attended KKK rallies, and accepted a “certificate of friendship” from the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK. He’s even the godfather of former Klan Imperial Wizard Roger Kelly’s granddaughter.

Davis has received the Elliott-Black and MLK awards as well as numerous other local and national awards for his work in race relations, and is often sought by media outlets as a consultant on the KKK and race relations. He is also an actor with stage and screen credits, appearing in the critically acclaimed HBO police drama, The Wire, and most recently, as the subject of the documentary Accidental Courtesy, which filmed his real life encounters with Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders as he helps to dismantle racism across the United States

Davis has received the Elliott-Black and MLK awards as well as numerous other local and national awards for his work in race relations, and is often sought by media outlets as a consultant on the KKK and race relations. He is also an actor with stage and screen credits, appearing in the critically acclaimed HBO police drama, The Wire, and most recently, as the subject of the documentary Accidental Courtesy, which filmed his real life encounters with Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders as he helps to dismantle racism across the United States. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Overcoming Rejection, When People Hurt You

A vision-driven change agent with a career-long record of community outreach, leadership development, marketing, and communications success for leading organizations. Mr. Darryll Stinson seeks to use rejection as a powerful tool with which we can discover our true and complete identity based on a variety of healthy and holistic influences. Darryll’s theory is that by understanding who we are and what we are uniquely gifted and created to do, we can more healthily process the sting of rejection and turn the initial pain into strength to become a better version of ourselves. A vision-driven change agent with a career-long record of community outreach, leadership development, marketing, and communications success for leading organizations. Mr. Darryll Stinson seeks to use rejection as a powerful tool with which we can discover our true and complete identity based on a variety of healthy and holistic influences. Darryll’s theory is that by understanding who we are and what we are uniquely gifted and created to do, we can more healthily process the sting of rejection and turn the initial pain into strength to become a better version of ourselves. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How to get over sh*t and be happy | Brad Blanton | TEDxCluj

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.\t

Brad Blanton Phd. is a psychotherapist, trainer and american writer, author of the «Radical Honesty» bestseller, a book and a theory that challenges a fundamental and almost unchallenged belief of our society. In a truly honest talk, maybe brutally honest, Mr. Blanton convinced the audience that honesty, and not politeness or political correctness is the essence of human relationships and a fulfilled life. Maybe being radically honest all the time is difficult to accept, maybe it is even an idea that a lot of people cannot digest but it is surely an idea that at least has to be intellectually entertained.

How Five Simple Words Can Get You What You Want | Janine Driver | TEDxHardingU

Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles and decision-making programs. She spent more than 16 years as a federal law enforcement officer within the Department of Justice where she learned to quickly size people up. Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and shes the CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles, and decision-making programs. Janine has since taught her cunning people-reading skills to such companies as Proctor

The Calculations Dilemma - مرض الحسابات | Ahmed Amin | TEDxWadiElrayan

By telling relate-able short stories, comedian and actor Ahmed Amin reflects on how we over-calculate our life decisions, and how he was able to treat himself from this dilemma in an illuminating, talk about funny short stories from his life youve never heard before.

احمد امين ممثل وكاتب تخرج من كلية الفنون الجميلة عام 2002. عمل كممثل مسرحي لسنوات ثم اتجه للصحافة ليشغل منصب رئيس تحرير مجلة باسم للاطفال لنحو 10 سنوات، كتب للتلفزيون عدة مسلسلات من ابرزها: بسنت ودياسطي و القبطان عزوز.

اشتهر امين مؤخرا بفيديوهات كوميدية على يوتيوب في سلسلة ال30 ثانية مثل "ازاي تطتب شعر عامية في 30 ثانية"

فضلا عن بطولته وانتاجه لفيلم "حاضر مع المتهم"

Ahmed Amin is an actor and writer graduated from Faculty of Arts in 2002. Amin worked as a theatre actor, then the chief editor of Bassem children magazine. He wrote many TV serieses including «Basant w Dyasty» and «Captain Azuz». Amin is currently popular for his short youtube videos in the 30 seconds series like «How to write slang poetry in 30 seconds». He also starred and produced his short movie «Present with the Accused»

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

TEDx Hadal | الهندسة المجتمعية لمدينة بورتسودان - خالد محمد نور | Khalid Mohammed Noor | TEDxHadal

-عندما تنصاع المدن لشروط الريف في هندستها الاجتماعية والجغرافية والاقتصادية ، وتصبح وسائل ومنظمات المجتمع المدني _ بدلاً عن كونها وسائل لخلق ولائات جديدة اكثر حداثة ومواكبة _ تصبح رافعات للولاء القبلي ومرسخة له ، كما تقف عائقاً أمامنا وتجعلنا نواجه الكثير…
— خالد محمد نور في حديث مليء بالشجاعة والقوة ، لمواجهة مجموعة من المفاهيم المجتمعية الخاطئة.

‏When cities comply with the conditions of the countryside in their social,engineering geographical, and economic, civil society means and organizations — rather than means of creating new and more modern and aligned loyalties — it may become upgraders for tribal loyalty and anchor it down.

Speaker: “ Khalid mohammed Noor in A- speech full of courage and strength to confront a set of misconceptions.
Khalid mohammed Noor This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

انهض! واترك الكسل | Aliaa Essameldin | TEDxYouth@AlDafna

اذا كنت ممن يشعرون بالملل في الإجازة، فهذا الخطاب لك!
صانعة المحتوى علياء عصام الدين تشرح لنا سبب ذلك الملل والطرق المختلفة لعلاجه من خلال تجربتها الشخصية. لذلك سيكون خطابها متمثلاً في جملة "انهض و اترك الكسل!!"
An influencer on social media who is interested in doing a lot of things talked about after graduating depression and how can we set goals for our lives so we dont fall in that depression This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx